Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mobile Phone Wi-fi access problem

This is one of those chocolate fish problems. New mobile phone wouldn't connect to Wi-fi.

Solution: make sure when entering the WEP code, alphabetic characters have the correct case.

Telecom's Thompson modem tends to use uppercase characters, however phones (like keyboards) type in lowercase.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

virtualMV - blog on the move

As of today April 14, I have moved my main blog from edublogs to wordpress. Main reason is the edu - advertisements that have appeared of late plus the inability to post a blog from email. With performance issues trying to post using web forms was simply too slow to allow me to easily and quickly add a new blog post.

Have copied all the blog entries from to the new will try to sort out any images later.

Will move over links to Facebook etc over the next few weeks.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Help Desk: Problem Steps Recorder - Windows 7

Problem Steps Recorder - Windows 7
As the local PC guru you're probably very used to friends and family asking for help with their computer problems, yet having no idea how to clearly describe what's going on. It's frustrating, but Microsoft feels your pain, and Windows 7 includes an excellent new solution in the Problem Steps Recorder.
When any app starts misbehaving under Windows 7 then all your friends need do is click Start, type PSR and press Enter, then click Start Record. If they then work through whatever they're doing then the Problem Steps Recorder will record every click and keypress, take screen grabs, and package everything up into a single zipped MHTML file when they're finished, ready for emailing to you. It's quick, easy and effective, and will save you hours of troubleshooting time.

From my Paradigm PCs email list (hrrp:// )