Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gartner: Hype in 2015 around the Internet of Things & wearables #vmvwiki

Expectations regarding the Internet of Things and wearables are currently particularly high, according to Gartner’s report, but shows already disillusionment regarding Big Data. Gamification and Augmented Reality already is approaching the bottom, which is almost reached by cloud computing and NFC now, however, most likely expected to quickly reach the "Plateau of Productivity". It goes up on issues such as Virtual Reality and In-Memory Analytics, while 3D printing for companies is already approaching the plateau.

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Google Video Quality Report for your area #vmvwiki #vmvhw

You can see the video streaming quality results from Youtube for your area and see how it varies between your providers (link at bottom right).

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Googles Project Soli finger motion radar #vmvwiki #vmvhw

Google’s Project Soli has invented a new interaction sensor using radar technology that can capture motions of your fingers at up to 10,000 frames per second.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Long and Short of Domain names #vmvwiki

A very short domain name with a big price tag... http://Z.COM ? "Japanese Internet Services Provider, GMO Internet Acquires for JPY800 million"

and the world’s longest domain name is 63 characters

with Google Buying The Shortest Domain Name In Cyberspace - http://G.CN

Thanks to Andrew P, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Twitter is ditching the 140 character count to compete with WhatsApp #vmvwiki

Twitter has upped the character limit in Direct Messages to 1,000.But unless they change the hash tag filtering rules it is pretty much useless for classroom use (I have gone from almost a full class using twitter to less than 5% this year).