Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why CS Departments Should Embrace Computing Education Research #vmvwiki #vmvresearch

"Computing Education Research (CER) is a growing area with substantial new funding opportunities (e.g., NSF CAREER awards, NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, and growing support from industry) and highly-regarded venues for publication. CER is focused on how people learn about computing and improving that process, from the kindergartener programming a robot toy, to an undergraduate in CS 1, to a statistician using the latest scriptable analysis tool. "

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

Thanks Michael. Love this!!

From: Michael Verhaart []
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2016 9:25 a.m.
To: WpBlog virtualMV; Kathryn MacCallum; Deb Stewart
Subject: iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

From 2013 a wheel matching blooms taxonomy, verbs, activities and iPad apps

iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

From 2013 a wheel matching blooms taxonomy, verbs, activities and iPad apps

A vision for learning spaces in 2050 - YouTube #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Some interesting technology but not sure that I agree with the direction. I think many (not all) students like to learn in a community, with their learning directed and structured. People are essentially social beings.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Australian Census IT disaster: IITP Techblog #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvsocial

This really doesn't help move IT into the future. When you think we have companies that deliver accounting (e.g. Xero, MYOB) and banking services securely in the cloud - and in the mobile space.. maybe its time to consider moving away from the "safe" companies - which are proving to be both expensive and unreliable to using the local talent capable of producing high quality systems at significantly lower costs. This is not a new phenomenon and has been going on since the days of the mainframe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Re-decentralising the web - Tim Berners-Lee and Solid #vmvwiki #vmvweb

2016 Berners-Lee’s new project, underway at his MIT lab, is called Solid (“social linked data”), a way for you to own your own data while making it available to the applications that you want to be able to use it.

With Solid, you store your data in “pods” (personal online data stores) that are hosted wherever you would like. But Solid isn’t just a storage system: It lets other applications ask for data. If Solid authenticates the apps and — importantly — if you’ve given permission for them to access that data, Solid delivers it.

Weinberger, D. (2016, August 10) How the father of the World Wide Web plans to reclaim it from Facebook and Google Retrieved from

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

University students, you are being watched #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvsocial

Learning Analytics... Students of Australia, you are being watched. Not only in the lecture hall, but every time you log on, and even when you walk across the campus.

In NZ TEC demonstrated at the ITx Conference their build of a massive big data system tracking from schools through tertiary to jobs, with impressive drill down capabilities ... Linking to other Government databases.

Google Scholar Button for Chrome #vmvwiki #vmvresearch

From Adam in the EIT Library

There is a Google Scholar button that can be added to your Chrome browser via the Chrome Web Store

Once this has been added, you can select any relevant text on a website you’re browsing and use the button to search for it in Google Scholar. This can be useful if the text you’re reading makes reference to other articles you want to find. For example, selecting an article title from the below reference list and then using the Scholar button provided access to the selected article.

As it will search for any selected text, you could also use it to search for topics or author’s names. However, only the first few results will be displayed in the drop down box. To see all results click the 4 arrow icon at the bottom of the displayed results. For example, selecting the physicist’s name from the below article allowed me to find papers he has published. Of course, this may not work so well with more common names.



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The world's first website went online 25 years ago (Aug 6, 1991) #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvsocial

On August 6th 1991 25 years ago the world's first website went live to the public. The site, created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, was a basic text page with hyperlinked words that connected to other pages.

Sent from my iPad

Personalized Learning Plan #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

The Summit Personalized Learning Platform is a free online tool that helps students set and track goals, learn content at their own pace, complete deeper learning projects and reflect on their experiences. It was developed in classrooms by teachers.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Engineered obsolescence: Use an old cellphone - save the world #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Agree you don't need the latest, but there is a point at which you need to upgrade. Remember the multi touch text keyboards an 3 presses to get a "c" and how some could text on these without looking....
engineered obsolescence - companies deliberately planning for products to become no longer usable or fashionable so consumers are pushed to buy new ones - poses a threat to environmental sustainability.

Creating a 'social media will' #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

What happens to my online accounts if I die?

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Big Read: How to prepare your kids for the robot revolution #vvmwiki #vmvsocial

Will a robot terminate your job? And what will your children do for a living?

Research by consultants McKinsey & Co has found that 45 per cent of US jobs could be automated by technology that already exists.

We are on the cusp of an industrial revolution. Another one. It's been dubbed industry 4.0 by techies in the manufacturing sector.

The Digital Disruption trends impacting Australia and New Zealand business - #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Business owners are constantly warned “disrupt or be disrupted.” But what if it wasn’t about simply disruption, and more so the market we find ourselves in is the natural evolution of business in a data-driven world".

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Future of Self | Observer #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Imagine this: there’s a machine that can download your brain onto a computer and save it as a file. All of your hopes, dreams, aspirations, memories, dirty secrets, and kinky fantasies are right there in that file and can be loaded up into a program that would turn the computer into a perfect, if temporary, synthetic replication of “you.”

Sent from my iPad