Time_(min) | Comment |
5:00 | "It's aways challenging to run a 21stC Education Institute on 19th C Structures" - Benoit-Antoine Bacon |
9:52 | External pressures : Politics & funding. |
10:30 | Demography: Student diversity (US chart) |
11:00 | Increase in Part-time (invisible part time). |
11:47 | Local youth populations decreasing. But increasing in some countries so international students. Add "culturally inclusive educator" courses. |
15:00 | Digital natives. More precise information (6 second news video!) |
17:18 | Online education. Teleconferencing.Apprenticeship by distance. |
19:00 | MOOCs. Amherst College - outsourcing to Harvard MOOC. Merging credit - Arizona State using EdX for Year 1. |
23:00 | Online doesn't work for everyone. Average performance penalty about 14% varies by area & social demographics. |
24:50 | Social Learners 80% students prefer to study f2f or virtually. Blended approach .MOOCs held in physical Learning Hub (massive completion improvement). |
29:00 | Active Learning. Significant improvement.Video University of British Columbia 3 steps" Decide what they should learn? What are they learning? How can we improve learning?" |
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Ken Steele's keynote to EIT: Rethinking Higher Education. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wvb2DBrWnE&feature=youtu.be