Thursday, September 22, 2016

Google maps timeline realtime tracking of your movements with a history #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Google Maps timeline

Your timeline in Google Maps helps you find the places you've been and the routes you've traveled. It is only accessible if you log in with your Google account.

Seems to be automatic for Android devices (version 9.12 and up) and needs to be turned on for iDevices (Location services). Can be viewed on an Android but not currently on iPhone/iPad.
Distinguishes between vehicles, biking and walking. 

The map below shows one day walking and travelling by car (use the day drop box to get the calendar)

What are the privacy implications?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

‘Text neck’ could wreck your spine - #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

'Text neck' is becoming an 'epidemic' and could wreck your spine - The Washington Post

Cyber attacks live map (norsecorp) - a modern fishtank screensaver? #vmvwiki #vmvweb

World map visualisation of cyber attacks.

"Norse maintains the world’s largest dedicated threat intelligence network. With over eight million sensors that emulate over six thousand applications – from Apple laptops, to ATM machines, to critical infrastructure systems, to closed-circuit TV cameras - the Norse Intelligence Network gathers data on who the attackers are and what they’re after."

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Online petitions #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

How do you get yourself heard? This petition demonstrates a simple form and displays the number of respondents with their name affiliation and comments.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Five Myths About Young People and Social Media #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Until rather recently, the places where teens would find one another were physical, geographical spaces, but today they are more often located in cyberspace. Many adults are puzzled, and some are apppalled, by the amount of time teens spend online and by what they seem to do there. A new book by danah boyd (who spells her name without capitals), entitled It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, helps us make sense of it."

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sugar industry secretly paid for favorable Harvard research #vmvresearch

Research bias implicated... Who funds the research?

Sent from my iPad

Moving to a post-plastic world - the end of the credit card | IITP Techblog #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Aimed at consumers, Apple Pay will allow customers to store credit card data on their smartphones and use existing contactless terminals to pay for devices, thus removing the need for small pieces of plastic with SIM cards embedded in them." 
Reddit rumour has that this is a reason Apple have removed the headphone jack (used by many swipe card mobile systems).

Brislen, P. (2016, Sep 13) Moving to a post-plastic world - the end of the credit card. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lockheed Martin - An Inspiring Virtual Bus Trip to Mars #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia

"Lockheed Martin asked Framestore to design a system that could render Mars in real time and account for real environment factors. They wanted to put school kids on a bus and make it feel like they were driving on Mars." 
"The idea was to provide an experience where sight, sound, and motion could all be experienced in a real environment. The aim was to give a new perspective in what a Virtual Reality experience could be. This meant that when the bus turned, the children felt the bus turning and saw them turning on the surface of Mars. When they hit a bump in the road, the display looked as though they bumped on something on Mars. They also built a sound experience so that it sounded like they were driving in a wind storm on the Martian surface."

Lockheed Martin - An Inspiring Virtual Bus Trip to Mars (2016, August 31). Retrieved from

Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology #vmvwiki #gxlearning #vmvresearch

Therefore, useful research on the impact of educational technology should focus on the complete system, including the teacher, the content taught, the technology used, the school system or environment in which the teacher is working, and the environment in which the learning is taking place. Compared to the other factors, the preparation of the teacher by far outweighs any other factor in this system.
Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology: Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education: Vol 32, No 4. Retrieved from

Sent from my iPad

Monday, September 5, 2016

Dropbox Discontinuing rendering of HTML content #vmvwiki #vmvweb

First Google Drive now Dropbox... What is going on....?
Good solutions for teaching Web basics HTML, CSS and JavaScript disappearing.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dropbox <>
Date: 1 September 2016 at 11:30:43 PM NZST
Subject: Discontinuing rendering of HTML content

We're writing to let you know that we'll be discontinuing the ability to render HTML content in-browser via shared links or Public Folder. If you're using Dropbox shared links to host HTML files for a website, the content will no longer display in-browser.
Please note that this change will take effect for your account on October 3, 2016, and only impacts how shared files are displayed on the web. Your files will remain safe in Dropbox.

Dropbox, Inc., PO Box 77767, San Francisco, CA 94107

Saturday, September 3, 2016

3 Things People Can Do In The Classroom That Robots Can't #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvsocial

Graphics/Techniques/Remove background #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia #photoshop

Apple must repay $14.5 billion in underpaid taxes in Ireland #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Two Irish tax rulings constituted illegal state aid, the European Commission has rule

Is Kiwi Culture holding back Tech? | IITP Techblog #vmvsocial #vmvwiki

"The "Number 8 wire" mentality is both a blessing and a curse. On the upside it allows us to innovate, often when we are under resourced and under pressure, but on the downside it can cause us to choose the cheapest of options, or to create bespoke, Frankenstein technology solutions that crumble over time"