Saturday, December 31, 2016

9 Fundamental Digital Skills for 21st Century Teachers ~ #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Audio, video, infographics,
Plns, blogs and wikis,presentations
Digital portfolios, digital resources, quizzes

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

The death of the digital native: four provocations #vvmwiki #vmvdlt

The death of the digital native: four provocations from Digifest speaker, Dr Donna Lanclos | Jisc

  1. Provocation one: The death of the digital native
  2. Provocation two: Open by default?
  3. Provocation three: Stop being ruled by 'student expectations'!
  4. Provocation four: Educational technology – fit for purpose?

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Course: OER-Active Learning with Liberating Structures #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

"Liberating Structures is a toolkit with 33 facilitation strategies that can be customized and used in your classrooms, meetings, strategic planning sessions, workshops, presentations and more. These strategies are open, inclusive and designed to help unleash, engage and harvest the best ideas from everyone." -BCcampus

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tech issues kill productivity #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

BBC - Capital - Tech issues kill productivity, but don't rush to call IT

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Monday, December 19, 2016

Linden Lab's Sansar will take virtual worlds far beyond Second Life #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvweb #vmvsocial

Linden Lab's Sansar will take virtual worlds far beyond Second Life | VentureBeat | AR/VR | by Dean Takahashi

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How to use the New Google Sites - Tutorial 2016 - YouTube #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Very different than classic sites. No custom templating option yet (so isn't useful for structured  ePortfolios for classes). Will need to continue to use Classic sites for my classes.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lenovo Laptop “Chamber of Horrors” #vmvwiki #vmvhardware

Laptop testing at Lenovo
People drop them down stairs, leave them up against the engine blocks of running construction equipment, leave them in bags on top of cars and run over them, leave them (hidden) in their oven while on vacation and forget them there when they come home and start to bake cookies.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Periodic table in words and pictures with uses #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #infographic

This pictorial periodic table is colorful, fun, and packed with information. In addition to the element's name, symbol, and atomic number, each element box has a drawing of one of the element's main human uses or natural occurrences.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Google releases app to digitise boxes of old photo prints | #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvmobile

The PhotoScan app for iPhones and Android phones will use the phone's camera to capture an old photo in four sections and stitch them together, much like a panorama shot.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Free Technology eBooks | OO JavaScript #vmvweb #vmvwiki

Object Oriented JavaScript: Explore it from a new perspective, this book combines practical guidance with useful theoretical insight so you can become a more fluent and confident JavaScript developer.

Friday, November 4, 2016

SharePoint Application with Microsoft Access - YouTube #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvdb

Access is the normal user's app creation tool. This session is an end-to-end tutorial for power users to learn to build SharePoint apps without writing any code, and make it available as an app for SharePoint with low to no involvement (or impact) from IT.
(Watch at double speed!)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Top 10 Education Technologies that Will Be Dead and Gone in the Next Decade -- Campus Technology #vmvdlt #vmvwiki

In a 2016 Teaching with Technology survey, faculty members offered their predictions on what the future holds for technology in teaching — including what hardware and systems will bite the dust over the next 10 years.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Converting a Wordpress Blog (> 1MB) to Google Blogger #vmvwiki #vmvweb

As part of a restructuring of my gazillion web sites and blogs, I have shifted my Wordpress site ( ) to Blogger ( ). So the big issue was can I bring across the posts?

As you will notice I achieved this (as you are viewing this in the Blogspot site).

Just some basic Notes

  1. The site will convert the Wordpress wxr file (instructions are on the page)... but... I noticed that the site gets hijacked. In my case I kept getting Ad-spam for video conversion files. By waiting a few days it looks like the authors fix this (Thanks!).
  2. You will notice there is a 1MB File size limit. To get round this you will need to chop up your Wordpress site into bits less that 1MB.
    • From the Admin window Select Tools > Export
    • On the dialog screen change "All content" and click on Posts. A further dialog window pops up and you can select a date range to get you files below 1MB. Create as many files as you need!

Don't forget to create separate files for pages, Feedback and media.

Intellectual property — #vmvresearch #vmvweb #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia #vmvdlt

When to consider intellectual property —

These are the key times when a business should pay particular attention to IP:
  • starting out
  • seeking investment
  • spending money on research and development
  • spending money on branding, eg logos, signage, website
  • establishing a digital presence
  • employing staff or contractors (or when a staff member is leaving)
  • dealing with confidential information
  • expanding into new areas or shifting business focus, eg a plumber who introduces a new service, or who becomes a product manufacturer
  • importing or exporting
  • selling all or part of your business.
(Contains a link to a poster  "When to consider IP" -  )

Useful link
  • New Zealand Intellectual Property Office
    (grant and register intellectual property (IP) rights in New Zealand)

The Small Business Sector Report and Factsheet #vmvresearch #vmvwiki

2016: Small businesses, defined as enterprises with fewer than 20 employees, make up 97% of all enterprises in New Zealand and make a significant contribution to our economy and society.

The Small Business Sector Report and Factsheet | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

(For 2016 use the Factsheet)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

House sold prices & property information | Trademe insights #vmvwiki #vmvsocial #vmvweb

Trademe property insights... gives a low medium and high price for NZ properties. So now you can see what your property is worth according to a computer algorithm or your neighbours or any other property... will this become the house buyers price guide ?

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Watch YouTube at double speed (with audio) #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia

You can watch YouTube videos at twice speed (the audio is understandable to) 

Use the gears (settings) button & set speed to "2"  you'll be able to watch twice as many videos :)

Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach #vmvwiki

There are many sites that have been hacked and user information including passwords publically available (In Dropbox (2012) around 68million are available - 120,000 in .nz domains)

Have I been pwned is a web site where you can check if yours in in the Dropbox list (or others like Myspace (360million), Linkedin (164million)  & Adobe(152million))? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach

Monday, October 10, 2016

Top 5 Free Screen Recording Tools for Mac and Windows #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

"There are plenty of commercial screen recording tools on the market today. Besides video capturing, they offer lots of other functions, including but not limited to simultaneous web cam recording, video and audio editing, and adding video effects. Luckily, there are some good free apps for both Windows and Mac that incorporate most of these features. (Well, at least the most vital ones, those that an eLearning content developer uses in the process of creation.)"

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Friday, October 7, 2016

Top 200 Tools for Learning 2016 #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

At 1. YouTube, 2. Google Search and surprisingly 3. Twitter (thought this would be way down the list now)., 4. PowerPoint, 5. Google Docs ...

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Google maps timeline realtime tracking of your movements with a history #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Google Maps timeline

Your timeline in Google Maps helps you find the places you've been and the routes you've traveled. It is only accessible if you log in with your Google account.

Seems to be automatic for Android devices (version 9.12 and up) and needs to be turned on for iDevices (Location services). Can be viewed on an Android but not currently on iPhone/iPad.
Distinguishes between vehicles, biking and walking. 

The map below shows one day walking and travelling by car (use the day drop box to get the calendar)

What are the privacy implications?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

‘Text neck’ could wreck your spine - #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

'Text neck' is becoming an 'epidemic' and could wreck your spine - The Washington Post

Cyber attacks live map (norsecorp) - a modern fishtank screensaver? #vmvwiki #vmvweb

World map visualisation of cyber attacks.

"Norse maintains the world’s largest dedicated threat intelligence network. With over eight million sensors that emulate over six thousand applications – from Apple laptops, to ATM machines, to critical infrastructure systems, to closed-circuit TV cameras - the Norse Intelligence Network gathers data on who the attackers are and what they’re after."

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Online petitions #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

How do you get yourself heard? This petition demonstrates a simple form and displays the number of respondents with their name affiliation and comments.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Five Myths About Young People and Social Media #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Until rather recently, the places where teens would find one another were physical, geographical spaces, but today they are more often located in cyberspace. Many adults are puzzled, and some are apppalled, by the amount of time teens spend online and by what they seem to do there. A new book by danah boyd (who spells her name without capitals), entitled It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, helps us make sense of it."

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sugar industry secretly paid for favorable Harvard research #vmvresearch

Research bias implicated... Who funds the research?

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Moving to a post-plastic world - the end of the credit card | IITP Techblog #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Aimed at consumers, Apple Pay will allow customers to store credit card data on their smartphones and use existing contactless terminals to pay for devices, thus removing the need for small pieces of plastic with SIM cards embedded in them." 
Reddit rumour has that this is a reason Apple have removed the headphone jack (used by many swipe card mobile systems).

Brislen, P. (2016, Sep 13) Moving to a post-plastic world - the end of the credit card. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lockheed Martin - An Inspiring Virtual Bus Trip to Mars #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia

"Lockheed Martin asked Framestore to design a system that could render Mars in real time and account for real environment factors. They wanted to put school kids on a bus and make it feel like they were driving on Mars." 
"The idea was to provide an experience where sight, sound, and motion could all be experienced in a real environment. The aim was to give a new perspective in what a Virtual Reality experience could be. This meant that when the bus turned, the children felt the bus turning and saw them turning on the surface of Mars. When they hit a bump in the road, the display looked as though they bumped on something on Mars. They also built a sound experience so that it sounded like they were driving in a wind storm on the Martian surface."

Lockheed Martin - An Inspiring Virtual Bus Trip to Mars (2016, August 31). Retrieved from

Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology #vmvwiki #gxlearning #vmvresearch

Therefore, useful research on the impact of educational technology should focus on the complete system, including the teacher, the content taught, the technology used, the school system or environment in which the teacher is working, and the environment in which the learning is taking place. Compared to the other factors, the preparation of the teacher by far outweighs any other factor in this system.
Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology: Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education: Vol 32, No 4. Retrieved from

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Monday, September 5, 2016

Dropbox Discontinuing rendering of HTML content #vmvwiki #vmvweb

First Google Drive now Dropbox... What is going on....?
Good solutions for teaching Web basics HTML, CSS and JavaScript disappearing.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dropbox <>
Date: 1 September 2016 at 11:30:43 PM NZST
Subject: Discontinuing rendering of HTML content

We're writing to let you know that we'll be discontinuing the ability to render HTML content in-browser via shared links or Public Folder. If you're using Dropbox shared links to host HTML files for a website, the content will no longer display in-browser.
Please note that this change will take effect for your account on October 3, 2016, and only impacts how shared files are displayed on the web. Your files will remain safe in Dropbox.

Dropbox, Inc., PO Box 77767, San Francisco, CA 94107

Saturday, September 3, 2016

3 Things People Can Do In The Classroom That Robots Can't #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvsocial

Graphics/Techniques/Remove background #vmvwiki #vmvmmedia #photoshop

Apple must repay $14.5 billion in underpaid taxes in Ireland #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Two Irish tax rulings constituted illegal state aid, the European Commission has rule

Is Kiwi Culture holding back Tech? | IITP Techblog #vmvsocial #vmvwiki

"The "Number 8 wire" mentality is both a blessing and a curse. On the upside it allows us to innovate, often when we are under resourced and under pressure, but on the downside it can cause us to choose the cheapest of options, or to create bespoke, Frankenstein technology solutions that crumble over time"

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why CS Departments Should Embrace Computing Education Research #vmvwiki #vmvresearch

"Computing Education Research (CER) is a growing area with substantial new funding opportunities (e.g., NSF CAREER awards, NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, and growing support from industry) and highly-regarded venues for publication. CER is focused on how people learn about computing and improving that process, from the kindergartener programming a robot toy, to an undergraduate in CS 1, to a statistician using the latest scriptable analysis tool. "

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

Thanks Michael. Love this!!

From: Michael Verhaart []
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2016 9:25 a.m.
To: WpBlog virtualMV; Kathryn MacCallum; Deb Stewart
Subject: iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

From 2013 a wheel matching blooms taxonomy, verbs, activities and iPad apps

iPad Pedagogy wheel and Blooms taxonomy - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvlearning

From 2013 a wheel matching blooms taxonomy, verbs, activities and iPad apps

A vision for learning spaces in 2050 - YouTube #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Some interesting technology but not sure that I agree with the direction. I think many (not all) students like to learn in a community, with their learning directed and structured. People are essentially social beings.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Australian Census IT disaster: IITP Techblog #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvsocial

This really doesn't help move IT into the future. When you think we have companies that deliver accounting (e.g. Xero, MYOB) and banking services securely in the cloud - and in the mobile space.. maybe its time to consider moving away from the "safe" companies - which are proving to be both expensive and unreliable to using the local talent capable of producing high quality systems at significantly lower costs. This is not a new phenomenon and has been going on since the days of the mainframe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Re-decentralising the web - Tim Berners-Lee and Solid #vmvwiki #vmvweb

2016 Berners-Lee’s new project, underway at his MIT lab, is called Solid (“social linked data”), a way for you to own your own data while making it available to the applications that you want to be able to use it.

With Solid, you store your data in “pods” (personal online data stores) that are hosted wherever you would like. But Solid isn’t just a storage system: It lets other applications ask for data. If Solid authenticates the apps and — importantly — if you’ve given permission for them to access that data, Solid delivers it.

Weinberger, D. (2016, August 10) How the father of the World Wide Web plans to reclaim it from Facebook and Google Retrieved from

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

University students, you are being watched #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvsocial

Learning Analytics... Students of Australia, you are being watched. Not only in the lecture hall, but every time you log on, and even when you walk across the campus.

In NZ TEC demonstrated at the ITx Conference their build of a massive big data system tracking from schools through tertiary to jobs, with impressive drill down capabilities ... Linking to other Government databases.

Google Scholar Button for Chrome #vmvwiki #vmvresearch

From Adam in the EIT Library

There is a Google Scholar button that can be added to your Chrome browser via the Chrome Web Store

Once this has been added, you can select any relevant text on a website you’re browsing and use the button to search for it in Google Scholar. This can be useful if the text you’re reading makes reference to other articles you want to find. For example, selecting an article title from the below reference list and then using the Scholar button provided access to the selected article.

As it will search for any selected text, you could also use it to search for topics or author’s names. However, only the first few results will be displayed in the drop down box. To see all results click the 4 arrow icon at the bottom of the displayed results. For example, selecting the physicist’s name from the below article allowed me to find papers he has published. Of course, this may not work so well with more common names.



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The world's first website went online 25 years ago (Aug 6, 1991) #vmvwiki #vmvweb #vmvsocial

On August 6th 1991 25 years ago the world's first website went live to the public. The site, created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, was a basic text page with hyperlinked words that connected to other pages.

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Personalized Learning Plan #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

The Summit Personalized Learning Platform is a free online tool that helps students set and track goals, learn content at their own pace, complete deeper learning projects and reflect on their experiences. It was developed in classrooms by teachers.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Engineered obsolescence: Use an old cellphone - save the world #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Agree you don't need the latest, but there is a point at which you need to upgrade. Remember the multi touch text keyboards an 3 presses to get a "c" and how some could text on these without looking....
engineered obsolescence - companies deliberately planning for products to become no longer usable or fashionable so consumers are pushed to buy new ones - poses a threat to environmental sustainability.

Creating a 'social media will' #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

What happens to my online accounts if I die?

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Big Read: How to prepare your kids for the robot revolution #vvmwiki #vmvsocial

Will a robot terminate your job? And what will your children do for a living?

Research by consultants McKinsey & Co has found that 45 per cent of US jobs could be automated by technology that already exists.

We are on the cusp of an industrial revolution. Another one. It's been dubbed industry 4.0 by techies in the manufacturing sector.

The Digital Disruption trends impacting Australia and New Zealand business - #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

"Business owners are constantly warned “disrupt or be disrupted.” But what if it wasn’t about simply disruption, and more so the market we find ourselves in is the natural evolution of business in a data-driven world".

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Future of Self | Observer #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

Imagine this: there’s a machine that can download your brain onto a computer and save it as a file. All of your hopes, dreams, aspirations, memories, dirty secrets, and kinky fantasies are right there in that file and can be loaded up into a program that would turn the computer into a perfect, if temporary, synthetic replication of “you.”

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Smartphone Apps for Social Good | Aug 2016 | CACM #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

App makers are busy building programs that make it easy and fun to do massive good around the world. Their apps feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless, all with a tap of that little screen typically reserved for Angry Birds or Amazon purchases.

BBC - Future - History’s greatest ‘technopanics’ #vmvwiki #vmvsocial

In the modern age, many worry that technology is harming our brains or eroding societal norms – but this fear is far from a new phenomenon, as our infographic

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Facebook fad opens Marlborough students up to bullying | #vmvimpact

It starts with a seemingly friendly Facebook status, saying "like for a name", and on this occasion followed by a heart emoticon.
But behind the heart is a hidden agenda.
Because this Facebook status is not about spreading the love, it is about public shaming.

Alibaba ramping up business in Australia & NZ | #vmvwiki #vmvimpact

Chinese internet giant Alibaba is growing its business in Australia and New Zealand, with plans to open an office in Melbourne at the end of this year.

Countdown, Healtheries and Comvita are among the New Zealand businesses using Alibaba to open the door to the enormous Chinese consumer market.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

EIT School of Computing Social Networks #vmvwiki #eit

To assist and inform EIT students there are 3 Social Networks available
Note that you will need to apply to join the groups.
For Linkedin the groups are unlisted and will not appear if you search for them. We will only accept you into the group with a photo as this is a professional group.

Undergraduates & Grad Dips
Linkedin: EIT Information Technology
Unlisted group - so won't appear in search results.

Linkedin: EIT Postgraduate IT
Unlisted group - so won't appear in search results.

Facebook: EIT School of Computing

Thursday, July 7, 2016

ICT Newsline - 6 July 2016 #vmvimpact #vmvwiki

  • School digital change programme can do better

  • Brexit: What does it mean for the tech sector?

  • Hobbits and food

  • Preparing for the GDPR - Europe's data protection law

  • The State of IT

  • GoToMyPC warns of hacking - forces password resets for all

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Using the 2016 (new) Google sites #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvweb

New functionality, improved responsiveness

And a video showing how a Bootstrap formatted web site can be converted into the new gSites

Saturday, May 28, 2016

If-You-Use-This-Font #vmvwiki

A panel describing font use

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Free Web Hosting NZ #vmvwiki #vmvweb

Free web hosting services using cloud technology powered by one of the largest cloud hosting organizations on the internet

300MB, 10GB transfer, MySQL, etc..

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

DDoS Attack | Infograpraphics Prolexic #vmvwiki

Prolexic is a cloud based service company that provides DDoS mitigation services. The page link contains info graphics and from the home page you can get live links to DDoS activity globally

Friday, May 20, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

Short URLs Considered Harmful for Cloud Services #vmvwiki #vmvweb

TL;DR: short URLs produced by,, and similar services are so short that they can be scanned by brute force. scan discovered a large number of Microsoft OneDrive accounts with private documents. Many of these accounts are unlocked and allow anyone to inject malware that will be automatically downloaded to users’ devices. also discovered many driving directions that reveal sensitive information for identifiable individuals, including their visits to specialized medical facilities, prisons, and adult establishments.

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Car Tech 101: OBD-II apps and dongles video #vmvwiki

Cars have a port that allow you to see the diagnostics in real time with a blue tooth app on your phone via a dongle.

Outage Status: spark NZ issues and faults google map #vmvwiki #vmvweb

An (almost ) real time map showing the spark nz network issues on a google map.

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How to make big bucks hunting cyber bugs #vmvwiki #vmvsecurity

This month the US government is launching its first-ever bug bounty programme - a 20-day scheme for cybersecurity savvy citizens to have a go at finding flaws in the Department of Defense's public websites before the illegal hackers do.

Facebook faces decline in users' posting personal content #vmvwiki #vmvweb

Facebook is working to combat a decline in people sharing original, personal content, the fuel that helps power the money machine at the heart of its social network, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read more:

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Animated Video Tool - #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

A new Twitter follower for @virtualMv

However experience shows a 14 day free trial in an education setting just doesn't work, and the pricing structure suggested does not work for students.

For education a trial needs to work over a minimum of a semester to be of any use, no student can devote enough time in 14 days (alongside their other assessment work) to create a useful artifact. There is nothing like having students learn then promote a product when they go into the workforce, and it doesn't hurt to have a copy available for the lecturer either.

In the past some software companies have discretely watermarked with "Educational Copy". In some cases "Educational Copy" was so visible as to make the software unusable - so we didn't!! )

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Issues with using other people's code #vmvwiki #vmvweb

A row that led a developer to delete a 17-line JavaScript module has stopped countless applications working.

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Does URL Structure Even Matter? A Data Driven Answer

Does your URL structure even help with your overall traffic? To answer this question, this blogger decided to do a bit of research to help you make a data-informed decision.

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Online Learning Report Shows Long-Term Higher Education Trends #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

  • As of late 2014, 5.8 million students are taking online learning courses at some level

  • The number of academic leaders who view online learning as the same or superior to in-person instruction is at 71 percent, down from 77 percent in 2013

  • Academic leaders who have not incorporated online learning into their curriculum ahave a consistent 42 percent interest in blending online and in-person activities in a course.

  • About 75 percent of academic leaders answered that their courses were designed for current students or students within their geographic region.

  • MOOCs as an open resource for people outside their university now rests at 11 percent from 3 percent in 2012.

Leese, N. (2016). Online Learning Report Shows Long-Term Higher Education Trends Retrieved from

Based on a full report by
Allen, I.E., Seaman, J. (2016). Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Generating revenue using an Open Business Model #vmvwiki #vmvdlt #vmvweb

What is an Open Business Model and How Can You Generate Revenue?


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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Riding the wave of BYOD: developing a framework for creative pedagogies #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Academic article on BYOD
This paper contains an overview the development of a framework for creative pedagogies that harness the unique affordances of BYOD.

One third of HTTPS sites vulnerable to cheap hack, say researchers | IITP Techblog #vmvwiki #vmvitwd #vmvweb

A team of international researchers has discovered a security vulnerability that can be exploited in a relatively low-cost attack that will decrypt secured communications in only a few hours.

Up to one third of all HTTPS-secured websites, include around 80,000 of the world's most popular sites, are among those listed as being vulnerable to a DROWN attack, according to the researchers.

The team recommend server operators ensure that their private keys are not used anywhere with server software that allows SSLv2 connections, including web servers, SMTP servers, IMAP and POP servers.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

iOS and Android dominate marketshare #vmvwiki #vmvmobile #vmvitwd

As this chart from Statista shows, the smartphone market is dominated by Google's Android and Apple's iOS, each accounting for 81.6% and 15.9%, respectively.

Digital Learning CELDA Papers From 2004-2015 #vmvwiki #vmvresearch #vmvdlt

Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age: addresses the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age

101 Ways to Make Your Website More Awesome · #vmvwiki #vmvitwd

Checklist on how to build a website

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Artists Covertly Scan Bust of Nefertiti and Release the Data Online #vmvwiki

Artists Covertly Scan Bust of Nefertiti and Release the Data for Free Online

Air NZ prepares to 3D print aircraft interior parts #vmvwiki

Aviation innovation as Air New Zealand prepares to 3D print aircraft interior parts - Computerworld New Zealand

Google Docs now lets you dictate formatting edits | PCWorld #vmvwiki #vmvitwd

In 2015, Google introduced a Voice Typing feature for Google Docs that allowed users to dictate their documents. It’s now upgraded to let people control formatting with voice commands as well.

Using voice commands, people can select and format text, all without having to touch the keyboard. This is great news for people who already use the feature to transcribe their words and for those using mobile devices with onscreen keyboards.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Can FBI Force Apple to Write Software to Weaken Its Software? #vmvwiki

A dramatic legal battle is taking place that will have dramatic implications for the future of technology, privacy, security, and the extent of government power. The FBI obtained an order from a magistrate judge to force Apple to develop software to help the FBI break into an encrypted iPhone.

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Online Professional Development for Teachers #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

Take online professional development courses when, where and how you want! Online professional development allows self-directed teacher professional development. Here's a list of online courses for teachers which can help them learn about new tools, ways to use them and pick up on other great ideas.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning theory - conscious competence learning model matrix- #vmvwiki #vmvdlt

conscious competence learning model
four stages of learning theory - unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence matrix - and other theories and models for learning and change

Monday, January 18, 2016